maanantai 1. heinäkuuta 2024

It's difficult to decide/Vaikea päättää

Halle's theme at Art Journal Journey this month is 'I've got a notion', which mean things that you need when you e.g. are doing dressmaking and needlework. 
My wish in my early youth was to study clothing design, but it didn't realize, but  I made my career in the the advertising field as a media planner.
For the theme I created the above digital art journal page using a big number of pieces of clothes, and things and accessories that are needed for clothes sewing. All images and overlays were found from my files, and my layout was made in my photoshop program.
Thank you for looking and happy, inspiring July to everyone 🌞
Heinäkuun art journal-teemana on ompelu siihen liittyvine asioineen.
Minun kouluaikainen haaveeni oli opiskella vaatesuunnittelijaksi, mutta se ei koskaan toteutunut, vaan mainosalasta tuli työelämäni kestänyt ala.
Kuvamateriaali yllä olevaan työhöni löytyi arkistostani ja layoutin koostin digitalisesti fotoshopissani, missä myös kirjoitin tekstin: 'On vaikea päättää...', mikä koskenee mallia ja kankaita.
Hyvää, inspiroivaa heinäkuuta kaikille🌞

10 kommenttia:

  1. I love how you created a digital page with my theme! You are very talented. I look forward to seeing more entries this month!

    1. Thank you Halle 😘
      I think I'll get more ideas...😀

  2. This is STUNNING. I love the basket of "notions" and the old fashioned treadle sewing machine. This s a great first entry you gave us using Halle's theme at AJJ, dear Sirkkis.

    1. Thank you dear Elizabeth for your kind words 😘
      Happy July to you 🌸🍀

  3. This is such a super page Sirkkis. I used to sew a lot of my own clothes, and it was always fun to pick out fabrics and patterns. I love how you wanted to study fashion too. That would have been quite interesting, but it sounds like you had a great career anyhow. Thanks for joining Halle’s challenge. And happy July to you!!!! Hugs Erika

    1. You make me happy with your kind words, Erika 😊
      I'm wishing your July is full of joy 🤩🍓🍀

  4. Your page is very fitting,
    I love the way you have matched the sewing machine with the girl and all the tools she has in front of her!!
    Have a beautiful July!!

  5. Wonderful art! I love all the sewing elements you have and the way you've arranged them. I especially like the inclusion of the Singer Sewing Machine - it looks like the one my mom had! :)


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