sunnuntai 18. kesäkuuta 2017


For the Dreamers Challenge June 18th theme 'Bee'.
Life of royalties is glorious but often very restricted...
I altered a background freebie and composed the collage with images of TFS, and Holliewood Studios.
Thank you for visiting. Have a great upcoming week.
Teemaan 'Mehiläinen' tein kollaasin, jossa käytin muuntamaani taustailmaiskuvaa. 
Muut kuvat kuten yllä.
Kiitos käynnistä.
 Hyvää alkavaa uutta viikkoa, joka huipentuukin juhannukseen!

11 kommenttia:

  1. A fantastic page, I really liked the Queens personal space area, maybe she could have some fun there.
    Yvonne xx

  2. Very lovely combination of elements!!

  3. Such a versatile demonstration of the different elements.
    I like that very much :-)

  4. A beautiful page, love the background!

    Nicola ♥

  5. Gorgeous love all the different flowers.

  6. What a creative and colorful page, Sirkkis. I love the way you've featured the queen bee. She IS royalty in every way!

  7. Such a pretty collage of swirling life and happiness!

  8. A very joyful fun page!
    Thanks for playing !

  9. this is too much fun to look at. love the variety of colors.


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