tiistai 20. kesäkuuta 2017

Mail Art-3Muses

My mail art tells a story of an unhappy ending of love, a story that started during a girls's vacation in Paris.
We are used to read happy love stories from Paris, but some reason my imagination created this kind of story about long-distance love. The letters stopped coming from that pen pal, later her lover.
I made the background with cut and glue technique and with stamping and alcohol ink. I painted the girl with acrylics onto it.
I'm linking the piece in the Three Muses Challenge theme 'Mail Art'.
Thank you for stopping by and the time you take to leave a comment 💌
'Postitaide'-teemaan kehittelin tällaisen onnettoman kertomuksen  rakkauskirjeiden loppumisesta Pariisin lomalla tavatulta rakastetulta. Yleensähän olemme tottuneet lukemaan onnellisista Pariisin lomista, muua jostain syystä tästä tuli nyt surullinen juttu kaukorakkauden päättymisestä.
Tein työn kokonaan käsin leikkaa-liimaa tekniikkalla, leimailulla,  alkoholimusteella ja tytön maalasin akryyleillä taustalle.
Kiva kun poikkesit ja kiitos, jos jätit kommentin 💌

16 kommenttia:

  1. I always like to read a story with art. It brings it to life, a fabulous page and a lovely story.
    Yvonne xx

  2. Wow ! What a gorgeous card- a feast for the eyes!

  3. Another fabulous page that tells another great story!

  4. A sad story but a beautiful piece of mail art. - eric

  5. Oh my so sad but it makes up with the art you have created to go with it.

  6. Your mail art piece is wonderful !
    Happy rest of your week!
    oxo Susi

  7. Hyvin kuvaava taideteos, hieno:)

  8. Great piece of work and what an intriguing story behind it too. Greetings!

  9. A wonderful piece of mail art. I love the vibrant colours and the clever design. Superb.

  10. Great job in everyway Sirkkis!
    I especially like the triangle of shadow above her lips.


  11. I love the way you painted her face onto the clever collaged background. I see a new style coming for you, and I like it very much!

  12. A sad but beautiful work Sirkkis. I love all the stamps too!


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