keskiviikko 30. elokuuta 2017

Mail Art/Postitaide

She is having a lot of trouble with the roulette table in Casino Monte Carlo of Monaco.
So help is needed urgently 📨
I made this letter addressed to a bank manager for the theme 'Wish you were here' at this week's Three Muses Challenge.
It is the 20's era, so no mobile phones were invented.
All images you see are stamps and found from the Internet, the layout was made in PSE.
Thanks for visiting ♠
Tyttö on suurissa vaikeuksissa Monacon Monte Carlon kasinon rulettipöydässä. On 20-luku eikä matkapuhelinta ole vielä keksitty. Kiireesti on kirjeellä pyydettävä apua pankinjohtajalta Lontoosta  📨
Kaikki kuvat, jotka näet, ovat postimerkkejä ja löydetty  internetistä. 
Layout on tehty PSEssa.
Kiitos käynnistä ♠

19 kommenttia:

  1. Tämä on upea! Oletko löytänyt myös tuon tekstin (Life is....) niin netistä, vai teitkö sen PSEssä?

  2. FAN-TAS-TIC!!
    I love your envelope a lot Sirkkis!
    A treasure!

  3. wonderful, fantastic piece!
    Happy Day

  4. Fabulous Mail Art Sirkka.
    Avril xx

  5. What an imaginative collage, Sirkkis. I know I will always find something original and creative when I visit your blog!

  6. Wonderful collage work on this it is beautiful.

  7. I really like your piece. Very creative.

  8. I'm with Sim, Sirkkis, this is FAN. TAS. TIC. A standing ovation coming your way from me.

  9. Its a real, fantastic, fun postcard. I hope she gets her loan from the bank.
    Yvonne xx

  10. Beautiful mail art. She's really in trouble:)

  11. Your work always makes me smile and this is no exception. Love how you take a theme and make it your own!
    ~~ Irene

  12. WOW! i agree with other comments, that this really made me smile! thank you :)

  13. This postcard is Fabulous!! I love what you did with the photo top left and wheel- you can immediately feel she is in distress! And the Klimt had me from the get-go! Love Klimt!!Love your card!
    Jackie xo

  14. gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous! what a marvelous job you've done here! xo

  15. Voi Waude, sanattomana ihastelen jokaikistä pientä yksityiskohtaa ja koko ajan löydän niitä lisää....


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