keskiviikko 22. marraskuuta 2017

'Hurry up' Day

I made another page for the theme 'Printed Word'.
This was made with a magazine cut, which I scanned, swirled, added the print layer and edited the other texts in my photo shop.
I'm linking the page in this week's 3 Muses Challenge.
Have a happy, not too busy day!
Tein toisenkin sivun teemaan 'painettu teksti' ja käytin nyt lehtileikettä, jonka skannasin, tein tehosteen, lisäsin tekstiblokin ja editoin muut tekstit kuvankäsittelyssäni.
Hyvää, toivottavasti ei liian kiireistä päivää!

9 kommenttia:

  1. This looks fabulous, you can see and almost feel the motion on the page.
    Yvonne xx

  2. Well done! It has so much expression!

  3. Fabulous layering and I love the text ...wonderful artwork.

  4. I love the softness of this one, Sirkkis, and the layering and blending you've achieved. Take a standing ovation from here in Yorkshire, my friend.


  5. This is stylish, elegant, and amazingly well done, Sirkkis. I love the way the silhouette fades from black to white to color. Standing ovation for this one!

  6. Wow, that's great.
    Impressed me very much, even in perfect color


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