tiistai 17. heinäkuuta 2018

A very Error of the Moon

The moon is very strictly connected to time: It causes the phenomenon of daily tides as well as spring and neap tides. There is also the relation between the moon and human mind. 
William Shakespeare has said it this way:
'It is a very error of the moon; she comes more near earth than she was wont, and makes men mad.'
I created this digital piece for the Three Muses Challenge theme 'Time'.
The moon and background were made by me, 
other images Itkupilli and Songbirdy.
Thank you for looking and the comment.
'Aika'-teemaan tein tämän digityöni, jossa inspiroidun William Shakespearen lausumista sanoista:
'Kuu tekee pahan virheen: se tulee lähemmäksi maata kuin mitä on haluttu, ja tekee ihmiset hulluiksi.'
Kuu on tiukasti sidottu aikaan: se aiheuttaa mm. merien ja jokien nousu- ja laskuvesi-ilmiön.
 Kuun ja taustan tein itse, muut kuvat ovat Itkupillin ja Songbirdyn.
Kiitos käynnistä ja kommentista.

10 kommenttia:

  1. A very original and clever interpretation on time, Sirkkis. Take a bow, my friend.

  2. Beautiful, a great quote and I love that moon... glorious.

  3. You have such talent for drawing elements from hither and yon and bringing them into a cohesive and thoughtful art statement. APPLAUSE!

  4. Wonderful imagery and spectacular result Sirkkis!
    I adore this one!

  5. brava! very brilliantly done! xo

  6. Fantastic response Sirkkis

    much love...

  7. Very cool! Love that moon!
    Jackie xo


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