perjantai 3. elokuuta 2018

Frida's thoughts

'Feet, what do I need you for, when I have wings.' -Frida Kahlo
We know that her feet were badly damaged.
This digital page was made for the Paint Party Friday Week 22, Year 8.
Thank you for visiting and the kind comment you leave.
Have a Happy PPF and Weekend 💕
Jalat, mihin teitä tarvitsen, kun minulla on siivet.'
- Frida Kahlo
Kuten tiedämme hänen jalkansa olivat pahasti loukkaantuneet.
Hyvää viikonloppua meille kaikille 💕

11 kommenttia:

  1. Fantastic Freda collage. Happy PPF

    much love...

  2. What a fabulous collage of Freda. Love the wing and terrific quote.
    Happy PPF
    Vicki-Ann :)

  3. What a ray of colour bursting with the vibrancy of Frida, isn't she magnificent. A stunning display full of life and motivating words.
    Thank you for sharing & Happy PPF Tracey x

  4. Beautiful collage! Love the quote, too! I did not know that about Frida's feet~

    Happy PPF 🎨

  5. Beautiful! Love the color, the composition and the quote. Happy PPF

  6. Lovely painting and quote for your Frida piece.

  7. This is wonderful and such a great tribute page to Frida

    Thank you for commenting at KSC

    Thinking of you

    Love Chrissie xx

  8. This is just beautiful. I do believe this is how Freda felt.

  9. What a beautiful tribute to a wonderful artist! Love the bold bright colours.

  10. Wow, I love this vibrant page and Frida looks awesome.
    Yvonne xx


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