perjantai 12. heinäkuuta 2019

We're all breathing in, breathing out...

... and are moving.
This page was made for the challenge theme 'We're all/going'(optional) chosen by Chris at Art Journal Journey.
I collaged the page with digital layers, images, texts and embellishments. 
The white/brown layers under the silhouettes I made with teabags. Easy way to recycle ;)
I'm linking the page also at Paint Party Friday
Week 19, Year 9.
Thank you for looking and the comment you kindly leave.
Happy PPF and wonderful weekend everyone ♥♥
'Kaikki me hengitämme sisään, hengitämme ulos, ja liikumme'
Sivun koostin digitaalisesti kollaasi-tekniikalla käyttäen runsaasti erilaisia pohjia. Varjokuvien alla olevan valko/ruskea-värisen pohjan tein teepusseista. Idean sain Silkulta, ja on helppoa kuin heinänteko ;) Värisävyn voi itse työstää helposti teen vahvuudella. Tein tummia ja vaaleampia.
Sivun koostin teemaan 'Me kaikki  olemme...' (valinnainen).
Hyvää viikonloppua kaikille kävijöille ♥♥

21 kommenttia:

  1. Such a powerful piece. Have a super weekend & Happy PPF Hugs Tracey xx

  2. Wow - this is wonderful! Love the message and all the fabulous details!

  3. Such a beautiful page!
    Have a lovely weekend,
    Alison xx

  4. I like the way the silhouettes pop against your limited color palette on the background. Happy PPF!

  5. Nice collage techniques. I like the colour combination and how you incorporated tea bags. - Margy

  6. oh my gosh... what a wonderful interpretation of the challenge!

  7. Wau! nyt on upea sivu 👍 Ja teepussitkin mukana hienoa 😃 Hyvää viikonloppua myös sinulle 😎🌺🌼

  8. Ohhh I just love this piece. It speaks volumes.

  9. Such a dynamic artwork creation ~ wonderful!

    Happy Day to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  10. I am in love with this gorgeous collage Sirkka! What a wonderful entry for Chris' topic at Art Journal Journey!
    Happy weekend, thank you for joining AJJ again with such a wobnderful piece of digital art!

  11. What a powerful collage, lovely too!!!

  12. How cool to use teabags to color your layers. It looks really beautiful. Love the color it created. :)

  13. The quote with the silhouettes and layout is really beautiful!

  14. A truly beautiful page! Thank you for linking to my theme, Chrisxx


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