perjantai 25. lokakuuta 2019

WARNING Witch property trespassers

... will be used as ingredients in the brew.
Especially beer lovers are in danger!
I created the witch collage using tens of different images, which were found from several places, for to compose firs the witch and then other folk. All was put together and effected with Photoshop Elements.
Thank you for visiting - no danger if you don't taste it ;)
I'm linking the collage at Paint Party Friday Week 34, Year 9,
And the Dreamers Challenge theme 'Witch' October 26th.
Happy PPF and Halloween time 🎃
VAROITUS noidan tontille tulijoille! 
Heidät tullaan käyttämään  raaka-aineena olutpanimossa.
Varsinkin oluenjuojat ovat vaarassa!
Tähän kollaasiini keräsin kymmeniä erillisiä kuvia eri paikoista saadakseni rakenneltua ensin noidan ja sitten muun väen.
Kiva, kun poikkesit ja kommentoit.
Pelottavaa Halloween aikaa kaikille 🎃

13 kommenttia:

  1. Wow, amazing art, that piercing eyes are spooky enough for Halloween!

  2. wow Sirkkis- this is one amazing and fabulous work of art!! Love all the images and how you pieced them all together!! Happy PPF!

  3. Hi Sirkkis! :) Your collage is so great! I love the skulls on her hat! I think I'm safe, I'm not a beer drinker, thank goodness she doesn't have wine bottles there or I'd be finished! ;)

  4. Hi Rain, thanks for comment. It made me giggle 😀 I join you to the wine gang. Suppose we find it around 😛🍹

  5. Scary, but not for a fellow wine drinker:) Just love your wonderful collage!

  6. She is one spooky witch. This is a great Halloween page. Happy weekend. Hugs-Erika

  7. Amazing eyes and work of art! She certainly looks like she means it. I am safe though, I don't like beer :D


  8. This is a masterful collage, Sirkkis. You've drawn together so many elements into a delightfully witchy scene!

  9. Noooo! Im out of here!
    Love this
    Thanks for playing in this challenge


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