lauantai 26. lokakuuta 2019

A penny for your thoughts

Something beautiful to balance a wild Halloween boom.
I made this Vintage-style page for the Art Journal Journey Challenge theme 'Dreams or Wishes' chosen by Eileen this month. Some days are still left to take part on.
The page was digitally layered and partly colored, and texts edited with Photoshop Elements. 
The girl-image is a freebie that I effected with a filter I chose
for get dreamy feeling. 
The girls dreams remain her own - or maybe it's a new hat ;)

Thank you for looking and the comment you kindly leave.
Have great time!
'Penni ajatuksistasi'
Jotain kaunista halusin näyttää tasapainottaakseni kuluvaa 'kauhukuukautta'.
 Vintage-tyylinen sivu, jonka tein haasteteemaan 'Unelmia ja toiveita'. Koostin sivun digitaalisesti ja osin värittelin ja lisäsin tehosteita saadakseni siihen unelmoivaa vaikutelmaa. 'Freebie'-tytön unelmat jäävät meille arvoitukseksi- tai ehkä haaveilua uudesta hatusta ;)
Kiva, kun poikkesit ja kommentoit.
Mukavaa loppu kuuta kaikille!

5 kommenttia:

  1. I am thrilled about the charming feeling you brought to this page. Made with so much knowledge and love!
    A wonderful entry for AJJ again! Thank you so much for all your support Sirkka!
    Happy Saturday!
    Susi xxx

  2. Beautiful page, Sirkkus. I love the layout design and the different patterned papers you managed to combine in such a lovely way. The top and bottom contrasting strips really make the girl pop. Thank you for all your entries to Art Journal Journey this month. Eileen xx

  3. She is a beautiful dreamer, Sirkkus! Your soft color palette and composition are just perfect!
    Sweet dreams to you!


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