sunnuntai 27. lokakuuta 2019

Insider vs. Outsiders

'In my defense there is still time.'
I made two collage versions for the theme 'Gothic Arch'.
In both of them the arch was made with a photo shop tool by me. In the first work I added a line around the arch after I gave it a new slightly curved shape. I think now the Gothic arch matches better my sea scenery.
  The second version beneath:
I first altered and liquefied the picture (my earlier made spread beneath) with a photo shop tool, added an image more, and then made the Gothic arch from paper I chose, then finished the work with the texts.
'Insider vs. Outsiders'

My spread which I used for Gothic Arch theme.

I'm linking this post at Take a Ward Challenge .
Thank you for looking and the time you take to leave the comment.
'Gothich Arch' (goottilainen kaari) teemaan tein kaksi eri digeilyä, joihin kumpaankin tein digitaalisesti goottilaiset kaaret. Ylimmässä 'Puolustuksekseni  vielä aikaa jäljellä'
käytin tekemääni kaarikehystä, jonka  filtteroin 'laineilevaan' muotoon, joka sopii mielestäni paremmin taustakuvaan, ja viimeistelin sen vaalealla reunuksella.
Alimmassa työssäni käytin jo aiemmin tekemääni kollaasi-aukeamaa. Nyt lisäsin siihen yhden kuvan, filtteroin sen aaltoilevaksi ja tein valitsemastani paperista digitaalisesti goottilaisen kaaren. Lopuksi lisäsin editoimani tekstit: 
'Sisäpiiriläinen vs. ulkopuolella olevat'.
Kiitos vierailusta ja kommentistasi.

9 kommenttia:

  1. Both are very creative and original, Sirkkis. As always, you excel at putting the pieces together!

  2. Both versions are equally impressive, Sirkkis!

  3. Two wonderful pages Sirkka, lots of clever digital work.
    Avril xx

  4. I love your art, you are so very talented.

    Both pieces are gorgeous

  5. Wow Sirkkis, these are beauties. I spent a lot of time studying the second piece. So many fantastic details. Happy new week.

  6. Two absolutely gorgeous offerings and I love your header too. Oh and the word are wonderful...a total winner.

  7. Two absolutely fantastic arches, Sirkkis. Loud applause for such original pieces.

  8. Two very beautiful interpretations- magical!


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