sunnuntai 19. tammikuuta 2020

Is it raining...?

Umbrellas can sometimes be quite uncomfortable, but this lady has  an inventive solution to handle it 😉 I cut the umbrella with a photo shop tool from the house paper. Other images are from Mischief Circus.
I made this whimsy page for the theme 'Umbrella' at Dreamers Challenge 18th January.
Thank you for stopping by.
Sateenvarjot ovat joskus hankalia käsitellä. Tämä nainen käyttää kekseliästä ratkaisua 😉 Leikkasin sateenvarjon kuvankäsittelyni työkalulla talosta. Muu kuvamateriaali Mischief Circus-kuvia.
Tein kollaasini teemaan 'Sateenvarjo'.

6 kommenttia:

  1. Fabulous you are really taking off with your artwork.


  2. You are an absolute genius at creating scenarios, Sirkkis! This whimsical scene gave me much pleasure this Sunday morning!

  3. What a great sense of humor you have, Sirrkis! Thanks for the giggle:)
    Such a wonderful piece!!!

  4. This is really fun. I love how that mermaid is holding the umbrella and I bet she is loving the rain! Hugs-Erika

  5. This is incredible! I love you imagination. This must have taken a lot of thought. is perfect! Tanks for playing :)


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