sunnuntai 19. tammikuuta 2020

Sweet, sweet cats...

Many cat lovers forget that the origin of cats is a predator.
This interpretation was made for the theme 'Cat' at Take a Word Challenge this week.
Monet kissa-ihmiset unothatat, että suloiset kissat ovat alkuperältään petoja.
Tein tämän tulkinnan teemaan 'Kissa'.

7 kommenttia:

  1. Those green eyes really caught my attention. What a fun page Sirkkis! Happy new week. Hugs-Erika

  2. LOL ... You made my day!
    Gloriously & obliquely!

  3. Hahaha! Excellent Sirkkis!
    (I adore the menu....)
    And so visually impressive!
    Well done dear friend!

  4. Wow this is awesome love the super intense and detailed work ...bravo.


  5. So original and creative, Sirkkis. Standing ovation from me!

  6. Love this handsome fellow- wonderfully creative!

  7. This has me laughing out loud. Love the catty menu!


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