maanantai 20. tammikuuta 2020

Yesterday ended last night

For the theme 'Something New'
at Art Journal Journey Challenge chosen by Jo this month.
I combined the page with scraps, gesso, acrylics, soft gel gloss, black pen and stamps. The texts were digitally edited and added.
Thank you for looking and the comment you kindly leave.
Have a happy Day.
Art journal- sivuni teemaan 'Jotain uutta'.
'Eilinen loppui viime yönä, tänään on aivan uusi päivä.'
Koostin sivun leikekuvin ja käytin gessoa, akryylejä, geeliä, mustaa kynä ja leimoja. Teksit editoin ja lisäsin digitaalisesti.
Kiva, kun poikkesit. Hyvää päivän jatkoa!

11 kommenttia:

  1. I really love this collage Sirrkis, it's beautiful!
    Alison x

  2. I am in love with you art Sirkkie! I am your new follower! Wow! You are a very talented lady! Thank you so much for the inspiration. Hugs!!!

  3. Beautiful page! The background looks amazing and I love the collage elements too 😀. Such fabulous words and the little green bird is adorable. Thanks so much for joining us at Art Journal Journey and wishing you a wonderful new week! Hugs, Jo x

  4. fantastic made up this page!!! Wonderful!
    Greetings elke

  5. I love how you created this page and the words you added. A new day is always a new beginning. Thank you for sharing with Jo's theme at Art Journal Journey.
    Yvonne xx

  6. Kääk miten ihana sivu! Rakastan noita värejä 😊

  7. Yesterday ended last night - very clever! Beautiful page with gorgeous details and wonderful colors!

  8. So beautifully composed and such wonderful colours.

  9. How true. This is such a fun way to share that sentiment. Love the little bird! Hugs-Erika

  10. I apologize for being so late visiting. I would have been here sooner, but I was so ill I didn’t even want to get out of bed, much less be on the computer. I hope you get to see this message, because I am in love with everything you make. I really love that you went with both digital and traditional art in this piece you gave us. The background is gorgeous, that hat is adorable, and the butterfly and bird ad the nature interest, But the sentiment is what was really special about this spread. Thanks for once again sharing this with us at Art Journal Journey using Jo's theme, dear Sirkkis.


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