sunnuntai 12. tammikuuta 2020

Miss Birdy and an addicted collector

Miss Birdy taking a walk'
Notice especially her fine gloves😉
Below is another bird, but he is an addicted collector.
I'm linking my peculiar birds at the Take a Word Challenge theme
'Bird' this week.
The strolling bird was built up from pieces of images by me,
in the 'collector bird'-picture I drew attention especially to lighting as I didn't want to uncover his secret place🤫
Thank you for stopping by, come along again!
'Neiti Lintunen ja addiktoitunut keräilijä-lintu'
Pyydän erityisesti huomioimaan hänen hienot hansikkaansa, niitä kaiketi sanotaan kynsikkäiksi😉
Koostin linnun erillisistä kuvista. 'Piilo'-kuvassa halusin tehostaa valaistusta, koska en tohdi paljastaa linnun kätköä🤫
Mukavaa päivän jatkoa, nähdään taas!

12 kommenttia:

  1. That owl looks like he is not only a collector but maybe a HArry Potter fan by the looks of his collection. Wonderful pages Sirkkis. Hugs-Erika

  2. Great contrast between the two, Sirkkis. I don't think Mrs. Bird is odd at all (!) and neither does she (hahaha!).

    Oh - the owl! - now he looks odd (sorry owl, no offence meant).

    Your collages are never-ending and always fascinating and interesting. What a great skill and imagination you have.

  3. Two fabulous pages, it would be hard to say I liked one more than the other.
    Yvonne xx

  4. Kyllä sinä olet taituri luomaan ihania sivuja/kollaaseja 👍
    Lintuneidillä on todella upeat kynsikkäät 😊

    Mukavaa alkavaa viikkoa sinulle 😊

  5. Sirkis what a creative burst! I love both. :-)

  6. Both are very special and beautiful Sirkkis!
    The first one made me laugh!
    Thank you!

  7. Both of these are wonderful, beautiful work combined with a whimsical story ...well done.


  8. Your bird art is superb, Sirkkis. The first is whimsical and great fun, the second is mysterious and thought-provoking. Great work, as always!

  9. i'm loving the zetti style on the first and the mysterious feel of the second! love them! xo

  10. How clever you are! Each piece is wonderful. Miss Birdy so colourful and weirdly fun! Cache is something I do believe that could be found hidden away in gardens by some birds who love to collect all kinds of things. Great art and thoughts Sirkkis xx

  11. Well, both are entirely different and equally beautiful, Sirkkis. Love those gorgeous gloves by the way.


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