maanantai 6. tammikuuta 2020

New day, new strength and new thoughts

'With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts.'
 - Eleanor Roosevelt
I made this mixed-media page using my earlier  painted watercolor portrait. Now I set it on the background, which I composed with scraps, watercolor, and gesso, then finished page adding the text.
It was made for Art Journal Journey Challenge theme 'Something new' chosen by Jo from Le't Art Journal this month.
Let's remember that our greatest power is our imagination!
Thank you for stopping by.
'Uusi päivä tuo uutta voimaa ja uusia ajatuksia'. -Eleanor Roosevelt
Tämän mixed-media sivun tein teemaan 'Jotain uutta'.
Käytin pääkuvana aiempaa vesivärityötäni. Tein sille uuden taustan, jossa käytin leikesilppuja, vesivärejä, gessoa ja lisäsin tekstin.
Muistathan, että suurin voimamme on mielikuvituksemme!

8 kommenttia:

  1. This is gorgeous Sirkkis I am so glad you keep doing hands on work along with your digital...I should do more or it myself.
    My new computer which finally arrived last Saturday is wonderful. But Photoshop Elements 2020 is a nightmare for me so far. Is this what you are working with now?

  2. My old program is a Photoshop elements 9 which I have, like you, taught myself to use over the last 10 years. The new one is a 2020 which has most of the same buttons but they all function differently or don't work unless you press something else. You need to press some keys on the keyboard which I have no idea about. So now I am going to have to watch tutorials. aaaah!!
    I wish my old one would work on Windows 10 but it doesn't. Anyway onward and upward to both of us.

  3. This is absolutely stunning, Sirkkis. Eleanore Roosevelt was a wise woman and her words of wisdom are powerful. You have created another fabulous entry for Jo's theme at Art Journal Journey, dear.

    I had to laugh when I read what Deann wrote about her PS Elements program. I have the full blown Photoshop, but I purchased it in 2000. I've had it for 20 years and know very little about it. In fact, I'm just now learning about the smudge tool.

  4. A beautiful painting and mixed media page your digital pages are always inspirational. Thank you for another wonderful link to Jo's theme at Art Journal Journey.
    Yvonne xx

  5. This is an amazing painting Sirkkis. I really love all the color. It looks fantastic on that background! hugs-Erika

  6. What a lovely page, Sirkkis! Mrs. Roosevelt has certainly shared some gems with us. This quote is perfect for your beautiful lady.
    And yes, I love your thought on imagination:) Important to remember!

  7. Your painting is so lovely,loved the quote.

  8. Beautiful your page and how wonderful your words to it
    I wish you a nice day,


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