sunnuntai 5. tammikuuta 2020

Time goes by

The word 'Time' is a 10 year anniversary theme word at
Take a Word Challenge this week.
I tried to create a quiet moment in a garden as if time was stopped, but we know that we cant do that. Time goes by. We can only have illusions.
Thank you for the time you take to visit here.
Tällä viikolla tulee täyteen 10 vuotta siitä, kun Take a Word-haasteblogi aloiti toimintansa ja ensimmäinen teema oli 'Aika'. 
Se on valittu myös tämän viikon teemaksi. 
Yritän digityössäni ilmentää 'pysähtynyttä' aikaa - hiljaista hetkeä puutarhassa, mutta tiedämme, että todellisuudessa aikaa ei voi pysäyttää, se jatkaa kulkuaan. Voimme vain luoda illuusion siitä.
Kiito ajasta, jonka käytät täällä vierailuun.

9 kommenttia:

  1. Hi Sirkkis!! :) That's a pretty piece! No, we can't stop time, but I often do things that make me feel like time has stopped. Drawing, painting, gardening...I enjoy the moment so much that I don't even notice the time! :)

  2. This is such a beautiful piece. This must have been a time in history that had some really beautiful things. Not quite so gaudy as some times before. Happy new week. Hugs-Erika

  3. All those beautiful elements put together in an amazing way! I love this collage ♥♥♥
    Hope we can soon have summer again to enjoy cherries like this beautiful woman does!

    Happy new week!
    Susi xxx

  4. A gorgeous page, so peaceful and quiet a scene a truely beautiful moment in time.
    Yvonne xx

  5. Rich, quiet and beautiful TIME Sirkkis! Bravo!

  6. This is so beautiful and peaceful an excellent take on the challenge. I like your new header too.


  7. You did create a lovely quiet moment in a garden, Sirkkis. I keep wanting to go back for one more look!

  8. She is beautiful and taking her time to enjoy all around her!

  9. This is beautiful, Sirkkis, and I do get the feeling of time slowing down at least. Loud applause from me.


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