sunnuntai 5. tammikuuta 2020

Mutual pride

For the challenge theme 'Brothers' January 4th at Dreamers Challenge.
It's a Graduation Celebration Day.
I made the background with Photoshop Elements, the big brother is a freebie  and I gave him a cap. The little brother is from 
Mischief Circus's kits.
Thank you for visiting.
'Yhteinen ylpeys'
on digi-kollaasini teemaan 'Veljekset'. 
On isoveljen valmistumispäivä ja molempien ylpeyden aihe.
Taustan tein kuvankäsittelyn työkaluin, kuvamateriaali ilmais- ja Mischief Circus-kuvia.
Hyvää viikonloppua kaikille.

6 kommenttia:

  1. Tyylikäs kollaasi, upea tausta 😊 hyvää viikonloppua myös sinulle 😊

  2. Those are very sweet brothers! Well done! :)


  3. I like that you have featured an older big brother for the little guy. It reflects a great relationship. Well done!

  4. Excellent this is very strong and handsome a beautiful work.

  5. Nicely done. Those two actually look like brothers!
    Thanks for playing in my challenge


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