torstai 30. tammikuuta 2020

Soul mates

I made this mixed-media page painting the girl and the troll with acrylics on a 15x15 paper. I covered it partly with gesso and Soft Gel Glossy. The text and frame were digitally added.
I'm linking the page at Art Journal Journey Challenge theme 'Something new' chosen by Jo this month.
I link it also at Paint Party Friday Week 48, Year 9.
Thank you for stopping by and I appreciate the comment you leave.
Happy a PPF and upcoming weekend.
'Voit tavata uuden sielun kumppanin missä tahansa' 
on mixed-media työni teemaan 'Jotain uutta'.
Maalasin tytön ja peikon akryyleillä 15x15 cm taustapaperille, jota käsittelin gessolla ja geelillä. Tekstin ja kehyksen lisäsin digitaalisesti.
Hyvää lähestyvää viikonloppua kaikille!

16 kommenttia:

  1. Fabulous page! I love the pretty flower background that you created and you painted the girl and troll so beautifully too 😀. Thanks so much for joining Art Journal Journey again and for all your support and inspiration throughout the month! Hugs, Jo x

  2. I simply love your mixed media pages, my friend. You are very talented!

  3. A fabulous mixed media page, the girl looks so beautiful and its a sweet troll, I'm sure they get on well and are good for each other.
    Thank you for linking with Jo's theme at Art Journal journey and for all the inspiration you have shared there this month.
    Yvonne xx

  4. A fabulous journal, i love this girl and troll!Wonderful!!!
    Have a beautiful weekend, Elke

  5. What a fun mixed media page, she's superb Sirkkis. I feel I have a little friend sitting on my should every day, I hope your ladies is a well behaved one hee hee.. Beautiful work.
    Happy PPF & a super creative weekend to you Hugs Tracey xx

  6. Love this, and the look on the troll's face looks like he's up to something:):) Happy PPF!

  7. Girl and troll an unusual team up. Luv luv the background. Happy PPF


  8. How absolutely adorable Sirkkis. The troll has such a great look on its face. I loved the background. It reminded me of a window screen that you looked through. I really think the girl is adorable, too. Thank you beyond belief for all the wonderful entries you shared with us this month, as well as this one, at Art Journal Journey.

  9. What an amazing painting. You never seem to run out of ideas and every piece has something, many things, new.
    I like how the girl and the troll have the same hairstyle.

  10. Oh I love this Sirkkis!!! That little troll doll brought back a lot of memories!! :)

  11. wow,loving your girl,she its amazing!
    love the soft colores and her cute face.

    hugs jenny

  12. Yes they are soul makes beautiful.

  13. Love your artwork! I had many of these bright and cheerful troll dolls to play with when I was young! Wonderful memories!!


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