maanantai 3. helmikuuta 2020


'Ordinary fortune-tellers tell you what you want to happen, witches tell you what's going to happen whether you want it to or not. Strangely enough, witches tend to be more accurate but less popular.  - Terry Pratchett
For the challenge theme 'Gypsy' at Take a Word Challenge this week.
'Normaalit ennustajat kertovat sinulle mitä haluat tapahtuvan, noidat kertovat mitä tulee tapahtumaan halusit sitä tai et. Ihme kyllä noidat yleensä ovat enemmän oikeassa, mutta ovat vähemmän suosittuja.' 
-Terry Pratchett
Digityöni tein teemaan 'Romani'.

9 kommenttia:

  1. ooh, very intense! beautifully done. xo

  2. Oh I like her. Those are sure piercing blue eyes. I hope she doesn't hypnotize me just looking at this! Smile. Hugs-Erika

  3. The perfect iconic gypsy image so beautiful, and I love the skull...great work.

  4. This is wonderful, Sirkkis. The intensity in her eyes is almost hypnotic.

  5. She is a powerful seer- a great collage!

  6. Oh no, I don't want to know please! :D
    She is just extraordinary!!


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