tiistai 24. maaliskuuta 2020

Stockings in the spotlight

For the theme 'Stockings' at Dreamers Challenge March 21.
I made the layout and some texture and shadow effects with
 Photoshop elements.
Thank you for visiting.
'Sukat'-teemaan tein digitaalisesti kollaasin, johon asettelun, tekstuurit ja varjon sain aikaan PSE:ssa. 
Kiitos käynnistä.

4 kommenttia:

  1. What a clever interpretation of the challenge, Sirkkis. Both are beautiful!

  2. I'm not sure which I like better: the rather risque legs or the background of puzzle pieces. Regardless, this is stunning.

  3. Perfect for this challenge. Love them both.
    Thanks for playing :)


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