maanantai 23. maaliskuuta 2020

Gazelles gentle and clever

This digital art page was created for the theme 'Green' at
Art Journal Journey Challenge. It's greening Springtime, and the theme was chosen by Eileen this month. It's said that green is the color of hope. We need it just now.
I created my digital work using photoshop filtering and layer masks. I finished the page with Heinrich Heine's words:
'The gazelles so gentle and clever skip lightly in frolicsome mood.'

Thank you for looking and the comment you kindly leave.
Stay safe and healthy💚
I hope you get some joy from the picture and words I did.
'Gasellit niin lempeät ja viisaat hyppelevät kevyesti hilpeällä mielellä.'
Tein tämän digityöni teemaan 'Vihreä', joka on juuri nyt suosittu aihe. Onhan luonto kääntymässä kevään vehreyteen. 
Sanotaan, että vihreä on toivon väri. Sitä nyt tarvisemme kaikki, kun ennalta arvaamattomat uhat ovat meitä kohdanneet.
Ehkä teitä, jotka katselette tekemääni kuvaa ja mietelausetta, saatte siitä pientä iloa.
Pidetään huolta toisistamme 💚

11 kommenttia:

  1. So pretty. Love the layering and the gazelle. So peaceful and lovely.

  2. A lovely collage beautiful elements. Take care of you.

  3. Your page is truly beautiful, a delight to look at and read the lovely words.
    There is love and hope in the scene you created, thank you for joining us at Art Journal Journey and Eileen's theme.
    Stay safe and well.
    Yvonne xx

  4. Beautiful art, and thank you for the kind words. My children are both in health care work (my son a respiratory therapist and my daughter a pharmacist), so keep all the health care workers in your prayers, and take care of yourself, Sirkkis!!

  5. A delightful collage--- I love how you worked with the elements Sirkka!
    Stay healthy, happy new week!

    Susi xxx

  6. Hi Sirkkis! Your gazelle art is beautiful! :)

  7. Magical and mystical, Sirkkis. Absolutely stunning.

    Take care, my friend.

  8. Beautiful digital collage, Sirkkis.

    Thank you for sharing it at Art Journal Journey and for all your support of my theme this month.

    Stay safe and well.

    Eileen xx

  9. I wish I had the knowledge to use computer art like this. I love how you have layered the pictures, it really is quite beautiful and almost ethereal. Beautiful subjects and colours, you have the eye for this.
    Hugs and wishes for your safety
    Neet xx

  10. Hope is definitely something we need right now. Of course, I am in awe of your digital mastery. This is a rare gem and so lovely. What struck me most on this page beside the many layers was the font you used on the sentiment. I LOVE it.


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