sunnuntai 22. maaliskuuta 2020

It's greening of Springtime

The theme at Take a Word Challenge is 'Green' this week.
I filtered and effected from one layer two different background layers and get out different shades of green and textures. I've made the bird with a photo shop cookie cut tool, and made the third background layer from its eye, and finished the page with Oscar Lamb's words.
Thank you for looking. 
Wishing safety and healthy week ahead everyone.
Luonto alkaa vihertää, ja teemaan 'Vihreä' tein tämäm värikollaasin.
Filtteroin ja lisäsin efektejä kolmeksi taustaksi ja sain aikaan vihreän eri sävyjä sekä pintarakenteen.
Olen tehnyt linnun digitaalisesti ja lisäsin sen ylimmälle taustalle.
Huomaatko, että  olen sen tehnyt linnun silmästä!
Viimeistelin digityöni Orcar Lamb'in tekstillä:
'Olen rakastunut vihreään maailmaan.'
Kiito käynnistä. 
Terveyttä ja jaksamista ikäihmisille sekä nuoremmille, kaikille meille!                

8 kommenttia:

  1. Green is a good choice. We aren't greening up here in my world yet. And this morning it is wintery cold. Maybe snow again tomorrow. But I will take green. You should link this up to Art Journal Journey too as it works perfectly! Hope you are staying healthy.

  2. Beautiful! I love the green of springtime too. I have a March birthday. Today its sunny outside and feels like Spring is almost here.

  3. Glorious and I quite agree...well done.

  4. A beautiful and lyrical piece full of new life and hope . Take care my friend!

  5. a very moving piece, beautiful and strong. stay well. xo

  6. Simply beautiful and very very clever, Sirkkis.

  7. These layers were FLAWLESS. I love how you used the eye. It draws the viewer in and the Lamb quote holds your attention. I always love your digital art. It's gorgeous. I also love the green earth.


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