torstai 19. maaliskuuta 2020

Green World full of Wonders

'Hummingbirds are small angels of fleeting joy.'
This digital page I made for the theme 'Green', which was chosen by Eileen for Art Journal Journey Challenge this month.
The 'angel'-face image and hummingbirds I found from the Internet, 
other images are from Mischief Circus kits. 
The layout and text editing were made by me.
I'm linking the page also at Paint Party Friday Week 3, Year 10.
Thank you for visiting and the comment you kindly leave.
Happy PPF and weekend everyone.
'Kolibrit ovat pieniä ilon ohikiitäviä ekeleitä.'
Tämän digisivun tein teemaan 'Vihreä'
  'Enkeli'-kasvokuvan ja kolibrit löysin netistä, muut kuvat ovat               Mischief Circus-kokoelmista.
Kiva, kun poikkesit. Hyvää alkavaa viikonloppua!

21 kommenttia:

  1. This is gorgeous Sirkkis. I love green and hummingbirds so how much better could a page get. Thanks for joining and and sharing this with us at ARt Journal Journey and Eileen's challenge. Stay healthy. Hugs-Erika

  2. What a wonderful journal with this saying, it touches you !! It fits so well in this difficult time.
    Love everything and take care of you!
    Greetings Elke


  3. Beautiful page, Sirkkis. I love your quote. I frequently see hummingbirds outside my office window. Yes, they really are little angels that bring us joy.

    Thanks for sharing this inspiring page with us at Art Journal Journey.

    Eileen xx

  4. Jälleen niin upeaa, herkkää, kaunista, haurasta. Hyvää viikonloppua myös sinulle 😊

  5. Beautiful and calming, the angel faced girl looks just like the young lady from the series "Stranger Things" We all need a guardian angel to watch over us and keep us safe in these uncertain times, how lovely it would be to see the flutter of many Hummingbirds.
    Take good care of yourself dear, hugs & creative wishes Tracey x

  6. So pretty,love the images and the soft colours.

  7. A beautiful composition Sirkkis. Happy you dropped by my blog


  8. A gorgeous page, the scene is so tranquil and calm and perfect for Eileen's theme at Art Journal, it is a lovely sentiment about the birds being angels as well.
    Take care of yourself.
    Yvonne xx

  9. So beautiful ... calming and a romantic piece ... perfect to calm us down and bring hope and joy!

    Happy weekend, stay safe and healthy!

    Susi xxx

  10. This is incredibly beautiful and magical!! I love hummingbirds and they are definitely one of my animal totems. Happy PPF!

  11. What a beautiful page! Love the images and colors here! Beautiful!!

  12. Ohhh this is stunning. I love the saying about hummers. Just beautiful.

  13. Wonderful page with beautiful images!
    Take care of yourself.
    Hugs, Mar

  14. Absolutely gorgeous words and picture, thank you for sharing. Happy PPF!

  15. I'm not sure you will even see this comment. It's so late because I have been offline off and on for over six days. Just when I think my internet is stable again, I get kicked off.

    Your digital entry is incredible. Your young lady is gorgeous and your lovely hummingbirds fit the sentiment so well. This is a genuine beauty. Thanks for sharing it with us at Art Journal Journey, using Eileen's green theme.

  16. A beautiful lady, and you just know how to put everything together into a wonderful piece!


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