keskiviikko 18. maaliskuuta 2020

Ready for A Masked Ball

'Un ballo in maschere/A Masked Ball' 
I wonder what Verdi would think about my interpretation from his opera, which had the premiere performance in Rome 1859. Any leopard didn't include the libretto ;)
I composed this digital collage for the theme 'Mask' at Three Muses Challenge this week.
I found a Veneziana mask as well as the other mask from the Internet. The woman and other images are from Mischief Circus kits.
Thanks for calling in.
'Valmiina naamiaisiin'
'Naamiaishuvit' on Verdin ooppera, jonka ensi ilta oli Roomassa 1859. Mitä mahtaisi Verdi ajatella tulkinnastani, sillä leopardi ei todellakaan kuulunut librettoon ;) Löysin venetsialaisen naamion samoin kuin toisen naamion internetistä, nainen ja muut kuvat ovat Mischief Circus-materiaalia. Tein kollaasini teemaan 'Naamio'.
Hyvää viikon jatkoa kaikille.

9 kommenttia:

  1. I love the mask on the leopard too. They will make quite the scene at their masked ball. STay healthy Sirkkis. Hugs-Erika

  2. Todella upea ja koskettava.
    Aihe on ihana. Rakastan Venetsian karnevaalien naamioita ja maskeja.

  3. Sirrkis, what an GORGEOUS & STUNNING digital playing for the theme! I love the mask of the hunting leopard. ;-)
    Take care!

  4. Sirkkis, love this and I especially love the leopard's mask too. Take care, my friend

  5. You are an excellent digital composer, Verdi would be amazed !


    Susi xxx

  6. I love this it is so mysterious and dark...gorgeous.

  7. This is digital magic, Sirkkis! Dark and a bit bizarre, but so creative.

  8. What an awesome pair. I love it. Very enjoyable.


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