maanantai 25. toukokuuta 2020

Be your own hero

I'm linking this digital page for the theme 'Illustrated quote' at 
Take a Word Challenge . So I created this journal page with my favorite quote in an artistic way.  
I illustrated some other quotes I like, too:
'Think outside the box.'
-German Kent
Thank you for visiting.
'Ole oma sankarisi.'
Tein tämän digisivuni teemaan 'Kuvitettu mietelause'.  
 Pidän myös mietelauseista:
'Ajattele laatikon ulkopuolella.'
 'Ole aidosti se mikä olet. Älä anna maailman sanoa
 kuka sinun pitää olla.' -Germany Kent
Kiitos vierailustasi.

7 kommenttia:

  1. Welcome back, Sirkkis. I've been missing you! Your new blog banner is stunning, and the quote art is superb! Stay safe in these troubled times.

  2. The handprint is placed perfectly. And the face coming out of the tree. I wonder what she is touching. Nice bit of mystery there. Happy new week. Hugs-Erika

  3. Beautiful illustrations of two great quotes! Well done...and good to see your art again! :)

  4. Wow both of these are wise and wonderful...beautiful job on them both.

  5. Happy to see you back Sirkkis! :D
    I love both quotes and the clever, impressive and beautiful works you did around!
    Stay safe please.

  6. they are both beautiful. i find the second particularity magical. xo

  7. Both quotes are wonderful and both illustrations are too, Sirkkis. Take a very big bow.


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