torstai 14. toukokuuta 2020

I'm looking over an unknown future...

...and hope being brave, wise, sensible...'
'Love is the flower you've got 
to let grow.' 
I'm linking this digital page for the Mia's theme 'Flowers' at
and at Paint Party Friday Week 11, Year 10.
Thank you for stopping by and the comment you kindly leave.
Have a nice weekend and stay safe.  
'Katson tuntemattommaan tulevaisuuteen ja toivon
 olevani rohkea, viisas, järkevä...'
'Rakkaus on kukka, jonka on annettava kasvaa.'
Tämän digisivun tein teemaan 'Kukat'. 
Linkitän sen myös Paint Party Friday'n sivulle, missä ei ole teemoja, vaan jokainen voi julkaista töitänsä ja samalla jättää terveisensä ystävilleen.
Toivotan kaikille teille hyvää viikonloppua. 

26 kommenttia:

  1. That's so pretty! I love the previous one too.
    Stay well and safe!

  2. a wonderful dreamy side
    pure romance!!!
    Greetings Elke

  3. Beautiful spring digital art! I love the look of this pretty lady! Thank you so much for joining again my challenge at AJJ!

  4. A fabulous scene, I love how you placed the beautiful lady in the garden with those pretty flowers. Thank you for linking with Mia's theme at Art Journal Journey.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

  5. Such gorgeous flowers on your page Sirkkis. And I love the ghost-like effect of the women. This is perfect for Mia's challenge at Art Journal Journey. Thanks for joining us. Hugs-Erika

  6. 'She's so pretty, she's so pretty...'

  7. Yes, it's an unknown future for all of us, but there's hope in the beauty of nature, and I think your page captures that idea. Lovely.
    Alison x

  8. Certainly hope the future is as beautiful as you portray here. This is lovely. Happy PPF

  9. Beautiful digital page. Full of life!

  10. Upea sivu, paljon kukkia.
    Mukavaa viikonloppua!

  11. so beautiful and soft. Love your digital art. happy PPF!

  12. Very pretty journal page. I agree cultivate love

    Happy PPF


  13. What a beautiful journal page!! Happy PPF!

  14. She is very pretty and looks fabulous on your beautiful page. So well done and thoughtful!

  15. I can't tell you enough how very sorry I am that I have not been around to visit. I was so sick, I was unable to even get out of bed for three days. I hope to keep up with your beautiful art from now through the end of the month.

    Your lady is gorgeous. I hope her future is as lovely as she is. We are all facing uncertain futures, but I have found more kindness since this lock down started. I agree love is the answer. Thanks for sharing this with us at Art Journal Journey using Mia's theme.

  16. This is a very sensitive picture, really well done, Sirkkis.

  17. 'Rakkaus on kukka, jonka on annettava kasvaa.
    Paljon rakkautta tässä.

  18. This is so beautiful. Something we are all doing.

  19. I love faces and your young lady has the most beautiful face. So pretty.
    I don't know the correct term for it but I love how she is "over-layed" in the garden, it gives her an almost ethereal quality. A truly beautiful page and very apt words.
    I found it very moving.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  20. Oh so beautiful ~ magnificent creation ~ Happy Weekend to You,

    Be Well, Be Safe,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)


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