torstai 28. toukokuuta 2020

Life is just a Journey

"Life is just a journey"  -Princess Diana
I'm linking this digital page at Art Journal Journey Challenge theme 'Flowers', which is chosen by Mia/Graftartista.
The image material is from my files, layout made with PSE.
Thank you for visiting. 
'Elämä on vain matka' -Prinsessa Diana
Tein art journal-sivuni teemaan 'Kukat'.
Kuvamateriaali on kansioistani kerättyä, tekstin ja asettelun koostin Photoshop elementein.
Kiva, kun poikkesit!

8 kommenttia:

  1. As soon as I clicked on your journal I noticed the header and thought what a beautiful picture and what a beautiful face. Then lo and behold the face was the one you had used in your journal spread. Beautiful (both of them) and so perfect for a page nearing the end of the month for Mia with the flowers in such beautiful colours.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  2. Her journey looks good with flowers and birds. And she is a beauty too. She must hold some strong feelings that give her wings too. Thanks so much for sharing her with us at ARt Journal Journey. Hugs-Erika

  3. What a beautiful, positive page, Sirkkis! Yes, my friend, life is a journey. And we surely have to live each moment! Thank you so much for joining again my challenge at AJJ. Hugs, my friend.

  4. Upea sivu! Sinulla ei ideat lopu kesken ja olet kyllä äärettömän taitava luomaan kaunista! Leppoisaa viikon jatkoa♥

  5. Yes, another absolutely lovely page, Sirkkis. I just love her wings. She is ready for anything:)

  6. Wonderful page, so romantic!!!!
    Have a nice Day
    Greetings Elke

  7. A gorgeous page, the girl looks so beautiful surrounded by the flowers. Thank you for linking to Art Journal Journey and for the support you have given us this month.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

  8. When I saw this beautiful lady without the flowers in her hair (like on your blog header), I thought she looked quite wistful. perhaps she was contemplating her journey that life would take her. This is stunning, Sirkkis. Thanks for yet another gorgeous entry this month using Mia's theme at Art journal Journey.


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