keskiviikko 27. toukokuuta 2020

Take a look at the mirror...

Oh, my...  I forgot to take a look!
This may happen if you've been too busy some morning😏
My weird digital page for the theme 'Bad hair day' at Three Muses Challenge this week.
Have a beautiful hair day!
Tämän omituisen digeilyni tein teemaan 'Huono hiuspäivä'.
Näin voi kiireessä käydä, kun unohtaa katsoa peilliin😏
Kauista hiuspäivää sinulle!

6 kommenttia:

  1. Hahaha! Very funny Sirkkis!
    And well done too!
    Stay safe please.

  2. Hieno työ! Aurinkoista päivää♥

  3. Quirky and gorgeous and so much fun, Sirkkis. Loud applause from me, my friend.

  4. Very funny. You hardly see many people with curlers in their hair anymore, but I do remember driving to work and seeing women with them in their hair.

  5. This is certainly unorthodox. I agree that practically NO ONE uses curlers anymore, which makes this lady to unconventional.


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