sunnuntai 31. toukokuuta 2020

Make me a child again ...

... just for today😏
The  sentence above has often come to my mind these days.
My picture was made for the theme 'Staying home' at Take a Word Challenge this week. It means to show how you feel about sheltering at home while the Coronavirus is spreading over the world.
I've trained yoga for twenty years, and it can be exercised at home as well as with groups of other people. So when our physical contacts have been limited - even forbidden, this has been good for  health and mind. Now we are accepted to do outdoor activities in small groups, so I've made Nordic walks near by as earlier.
Of course I can do much more enjoyable things at home, and these are only some that please me.
Wishing we stay safe and in good condition, and that this nightmare is over soon 👵👴🙏.
'Tee minusta taas  lapsi vaikka vain täksi päiväksi😏'
Näin on tullut ajateltua joinain näinä korona-ajan päivinä.
Kuvan tein teemaan 'Kotona pysyminen', joka tarkoittaa kuvata, miten vietät kotona aikaa sinne suojautuessasi. 
Olen harrastanut joogaa kaksikymmentä vuotta, ja sitä voi yhtä hyvin harjoittaa yksin kuin ryhmässä muiden kanssa. Joten kun lähikontaktit ovat nyt kielletty, se on ollut hyväksi terveydelle ja mielelle. Nyt rajoituksia on lievennetty, ja olen mielelläni myös sauvakävellyt lähimaastossa kuten ennenkin.
Tietysti on paljon muutakin, mitä voi kotona tehdä - tässä vain mieluisimpia pitämään kuntoa yllä.
Toivottavasti olet myös löytänyt sopivaa ajankulua poikkeusaikana, kun elämää on rajoitettu.
Toivotan hyvää ja tervettä alkavaa kesäkuuta kaikille meille 👵👴🙏.

10 kommenttia:

  1. Glad you can ge outside again Sirkkis. It must feel good. My walks are my daily sanity and help me stay home better. And what would you do if you could be a child for a day again? I would want to see my parents young and I would be a good girl si my mother wouldn't yell at me. Smile.An ayeb see my grandparents again. If only we could, right? Happy JUne. Hugs-Erika

  2. A beautiful response to a personal theme! Good to hear that you are enjoying the outdoors again:) I also must believe this nightmare is coming to an end.
    Have a lovely week, Sirkkis!

  3. Ha, ha, ha ... this makes me BIG smile ... :-)))
    So examplary - but Yoga (or similar), I think, is a good way in this times...
    Stay safe & best wishes for Whit Monday

  4. Hieno työ! Joogaa pääsin ensimmäisen kerran kunnolla kokeilemaan pari vuotta taakse päin. Oli pieni hämmästys millaisia lihaksia sitä itsestään löysi kun erilaisia asentoja ensimmäisen kerran kokeili:) Terveyttä sinne myös! Leppoisaa ja aurinkoista alkanutta kesäkuuta ♥ ☀️

  5. Beautiful art work and I totally agree yoga & exercise are wonderful for lifting the mood and making you feel better physically...and maybe a little younger??? Stay safe and be happy.

  6. Exercise definitely helps modify trips to the kitchen. Perfect art for these difficult times. Be safe!

  7. I just love this, Sirkkis, both the wonderful artwork and your words too. If only I lived nearer I could come to your garden and I'm sure you'd be pleased to show me Yoga. Loud applause.

  8. Those of us who are familiar with the computer, our cyber world of artists, and the ability to create art are fortunate to have things to occupy our time and mind in these days of sheltering at home. Exercise is always a good option, be in indoor or outdoor. Your art is so timely!

  9. This has an almost magical feel to it.

  10. i love knowing that you do yoga. your piece is beautiful. xo


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