lauantai 7. marraskuuta 2020

Play with us

'If you have crazy friends, you have everything.'
Puzzle is the theme at Dreamers Challenge November 7th .
I cut the puzzle shaped pieces from my earlier made cards or collage works. They are easy to make with photoshop tools after you know the technic. I added a shadowed line around every piece so they look more natural. I chose a simple background to emphasize the shapes of my puzzle game.
Play, shewing gum is served😄
If you are locked down for the well known reason, you may perhaps spend time with puzzles. Happy November everyone.
Palapeli-teemaan tein tämän digeilyni.
Niitä on helppo leikata haluttuun muotoon digi-työkalulla, kun on keksinyt keinot. Leikkasin nämä vanhoista tekemistäni korteista ja kollaaseista. Lisäsin niihin kevyen varjostusreunan, että tulivat luonnollisemman näköisiksi. Valitsin peliini yksinkertaisen taustan. Pelaa sinäkin, purukumia on tarjolla😄
Hyvää viikonloppua - ehkä siihen sisältyy joku lautapelikin, kun vapaa-ajanvietto on meillä tietyistä syistä rajoittunutta.

7 kommenttia:

  1. What a great challenge, love how each puzzle piece is different but well matched in subject.. the eye is a marvellous design. Yes having crazy friends is a blessing hee hee!! Sunday Hugs Tracey xx

  2. Super idea (to take your own artworks :) and super imaginative realisation Sirkkis!
    I like this unity ( colours, subjects...) in the fragmentation. Bravo!

  3. Crazy friends and puzzles are good things to have in these Covid days. Your interpretation of the challenge is unique and creative. Well done.

  4. You have made this so unique and fun...great work.

  5. Creative and beautiful idea.
    Have a nice Sunday


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