lauantai 20. maaliskuuta 2021

Masked Ball

'Lady of the house and her body guard'
For the challenge theme 'Mask' at Digital Whisper March 20th.
Image material: Mischief Circus and freebies.
Layout and effects: PSE.
Thank you for stopping by💜
'Talon emäntä henkivartioineen'
'Naamio'-teemaan tein tämän digityön. Kuvamateriaali MC ja ilmaiskuvat.
Layoutin ja tehosteet tein fotoshopissani.
Ollaan terveinä ja nautitaan alkavasta viikosta kukin tavallamme 💜

7 kommenttia:

  1. I like the man with the lion mask. Or maybe it is a woman. That's the beauty of masks, isn't it? Wonderful page Sirkkis. Happy first day of spring too!

  2. Oh, this reminds me 'La Belle et la bête', an old french movie (Jean Cocteau, 1946) with Jean Marais... This film had impressed me a lot when I was very little (in the 60s, not 40s! :) This collage is impressive anyway dear Sirkkis, and clever, and beautiful! :)
    Good spring to you my friend!
    (It's so cold here, it seams to be back into the heart of winter, is it the same for you?)

  3. Beautiful mask and a great story telling picture...nice work.

  4. You have put some thought into this piece. I love the way it turned out. I love her bodyguard :)
    Thanks for playing


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