sunnuntai 21. maaliskuuta 2021

Organizing numbers

'There is strength in numbers, but organizing those numbers is one of the great challenges.'  -John C. Mather
For the theme 'Numbers' at Take a Word Challenge this week.
Thank you for stopping by.
'Numeroissa on lujuutta, mutta niiden järjestäminen on yksi suurista haasteista.' -John C. Mather
Digikollaasini teemaan 'Numerot'.

7 kommenttia:

  1. Onpa hieno! Naisella on tosi jännän väriset silmät, ja ne sopivat hienosti kellojen vintage-tunnelmaisiin ruskean eri sävyihin. Ja tuo eteenpäin työntyvä käsi... Taitavaa!

  2. I like this piece Sirkkis. The women is hypnotizing. Love the clocks too. Hope your weather has improved a bit. We are having some wonderful spring like weather for a couple of days. But it is so early I am sure it won't last. Happy new week. Hugs-Erika

  3. This is all beautiful and well thought dear Sirkkis.
    Eye-catcher and tasty in the details.
    I really like!
    I'm happy that you have the sun, it's so great the sun ...
    (I don't think numbers mean anything to cats, it's just that all 'outward' forms of living can be explained or at least clarified by numbers. In this case some theorems, like the three appearing on the cat's face are necessarily triangular-shaped. And adapt to the cat's face, in its triangular shapes anyway :)

  4. A wonderful collage Sirkkis it has such great depth and I love all the details...bravo from here.

  5. This is one of your very best, Sirkkis. So many details, beautifully coordinated for an amazing collage.

  6. Every last thing about this wonderful numbers collage is exquisite, Sirkkis. Very, very loud applause from me.


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