It was celebrated World Bee Day on 20 May 2021 under the theme "Bee engaged - build Back Better for Bees", arranged by United Nations .
I read about it, and interested in how bees communicate, and traced very fascinating things.
Honey bees have two primary methods of talking to one another: movement and odor. Movement is more specially dance. Worker bees use series of movements known as the waggle dance to help each other find nearby food sources, water, and other point of interest.
Whenever a bee comes back from a successful foraging trip, they'll dance for the others so that everyone can find this vital source. During this waggle dance the honey bee will move in circles or a figure-eight patterns, vibrate its wings, and angle its body in relations to the sun. This information communicates in which direction a food source is located as well as how far it is from the hive.
These methods of communication are just one example of the incredible and intriguing behaviors of honey bees.
I made my digital art journal page and this information for the Elle's theme 'Language' this month at Art Journal Journey Challenge.
Thank you for looking and interest.
'Mehiläisten kommunikointi'
'Maailman Mehiläis-päivää' vietettiin 20.5.2021. YK haluaa kasvattaa tietoisuutta mehiläisten ja muiden pölyttäjien tärkeydestä biodiversiteetin säilyttämiselle. Luin siitä ja innostuin mehiläisistä ja niiden tavasta kommunikoida siinä määrin, että kaivoin siitä tietoa, joka onkin erittäin hämmästyttävää ja kiinnostavaa.
Mehiläisillä on kaksi päämenetelmää puhua keskenään: liike ja tuoksu. Liike on tarkemmin sanottuna tanssi. Työmehiläiset liikkuvat tavalla, jota sanotaan 'viuhkatanssiksi' neuvoakseen toisille, missä suunnassa lähin ruoanlähde, vesi ja muu kiinnostava on. Tässä tanssissa mehiläiset liikkuvat ympyrässä tai 8-kuviossa heilutellen siipiään ja kallistaen ruumistaan aurinkoa kohti. Tämä tieto ilmaisee, missä suunnassa ja miten kaukana pesästä ruoan lähde on.
Tässä vain yksi esimerkki uskomattomasta ja jännittävästä mehiläisten tiedonvälityksestä.
Tein sivun teemaan 'Kieli', ja mehiläisillä se on siis tämän kaltainen.
Kiitos käynnistä ja mielenkiinnosta.
I didn't know it was world bee day until last night. What a great day to have since so many bees are in trouble around the world. I'm glad you included the waggle dance. It is fascinating that one bee can tell another bee where things are by dancing. And your page is amazing. Talk about one that is sunny and happy. Did you know I am getting bees next week? We've been setting up the hive and all that goes with it. So your page really touched my heart Sirkkis. It is really wonderful. Thanks for sharing this with us at AJJ and have a wonderful weekend too. Hope your warming weather has stayed. Hugs-Erika
VastaaPoistaHow sad I didn't know it was World Bee Day and I missed it. I went to a museum several years ago where they featured bees dancing the waggle. The museum placards were similar to what you described. Thank you SO much for sharing yet another great entry with us using Elle's theme at Art Journal Journey, dear Sirkkis.
VastaaPoistaA beautiful page Sirkkis! Bees are so amazing!
VastaaPoistaHappy weekend,
Alison xx
A great page for the special day, I'm afraid I didn't know about World Bee day, Bee are amazing insects and do so much work to produce honey. Thank you for sharing your fantastic page with the theme over at AJJ.
VastaaPoistaYvonne xx
I am wearing my bee ear rings and pendant as I write this, because it is a symbol of hope for our city of Manchester since the bombing of the Arena.
VastaaPoistaI did not know all the information you gave us so I found that particularly interesting and will think of that next time I see a bee.
You have made a beautiful page for us - the big pops of yellow make it all happy and sunny and has just that effect on me - thanks.
Hugs, Neet xx
A happy sunny page! I love watching bees and we have a hedge here that is covered in them. Bee language is fascinating! Hugs, Chrisx