I found an old piano photo from the web and the man is a freebie whom I got nicely set on the picture. Obviously he is only making preliminary plans for his concert ;) Other images are from Mischief Circus.
Thank you for visiting.
Haasteteemaan 'Piano' löysin netistä vanhan pianon kuvan. Mies on freebie ja sain hänet sopivasti aseteltua pianon ääreen. Ilmeisesti hän tekee vasta alustavia suunnitelmiaan tulevaan konserttiinsa ;)
Muut kuvat ovat MC:sta.
Muut kuvat ovat MC:sta.
This is wonderful!!!
VastaaPoistaI love your "found" gentleman who looks so dark and mysterious. He looks as if he belongs with the piano. Nicely done.
I have to agree with Bev a very handsome pair...well done.
VastaaPoistaHe looks pretty serious about that piano
VastaaPoistaThanks for playing