perjantai 10. joulukuuta 2021

Snow family from the woods

They enjoy living in the forest, and love animals which live there, too.
I made this digital collage for the theme 'Snowman' at Digital Whisper December 11th. In my page there are a Snow Mother and her Child ; the Farther is visiting a neighbor 😉
I used altered freebies and MC-images and made the layout and background with effects using digital elements.
Thank you for looking.
'Lumiperhe metsästä' 
He nauttivat metsässä asumisesta ja rakastavat metsän eläimiä. Tein digityöni teemaan 'Lumiukko', mutta tässä onkin 'Lumiäiti ja lapsi', isä on käymässä naapurissa 😉 He ovat muuntelemaani ilmaismateriaalia ja muut kuvat MC-kokoelmista.
Layoutin ja taustan lumitehosteineen tein fotoshopelementein.
Hyvää lumista viikonloppua kaikille.

10 kommenttia:

  1. I love your snow family. They look so happy. Do you have snow yet? We have a small amount but warmer weather and rain tomorrow will get rid of that. Happy weekend. Hugs-Erika

  2. Oh, what a sweet winter wonderland creation! I love the watercolor forest for the background for those terrific mixed media snowpeople.

  3. Beautiful!! I love all in this one Sirkkis!
    The broken colours, the different treatment of each part and all those delicious details.
    This lovely family knows how to keep warm.
    Stay safe and hot my friend.
    ( I believe that I found every wild creatures who live in this forest :)

  4. Hello dear Sirkkis, just few words for telling you that the technique I used for the second snowman is simply the drawing :)
    Have a warm and healthy week my friend.

  5. I absolutely LOVE the snow family and the deer who has come to join them. So very sweet.

  6. Totally adorable and fun! Love it!!!!! Hugz

  7. Ihana luminen satumetsä ja kaiken kruunaa lumiukot ja metsän henki 💓😊


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