torstai 9. joulukuuta 2021

Old days doors


    'Old ways won't open new doors'
I created this page for the Valerie's theme 'Doors' at Art Journal Journey Challenge this month.
I altered an old painting 'Fiskaregränd' (Fisherman's alley) beneath, which is painted by a Swedish painter Axel Axelson (1854-1892).
As you see I added another old wall with a door, and  other images on my page. I made all alterations and snow effects with Photoshop elements.
Thank you for visiting.


'Vanhanajan ovet' on muunnelmani vanhasta Axel Axelson'in (ruosalainen maalari 1854-1892) maalauksesta 'Kalastajankuja'.
Lisäsin siihen vanhan seinän ovineen sekä muut kuvat. Lumiefektit tein fotosopin työkaluin. Kuvani menee teemaan 'Ovet'.

7 kommenttia:

  1. Hi Sirkkis, What a beautiful journal page you have created. Love how you altered the painting, and gave it a Christmas atmosphere and added a great quote for my challenge at AJJ. This has made me happy, I'm glad I saw it before I go to bed. Have a great weekend, stay safe, Valerie

  2. It is fun seeing this original painting and then how you altered it. It is a great original painting, but I really like how made it for Christmas. Adding that new building with the raven and the great quote finishes this off so well. Thanks so much for sharing with us at Art Journal JOurney. Hope all is well and hope you have a wonderful rest of the week. Hugs-Erika

  3. Its a lovely original painting you used. The way you altered it to link to Valerie's theme at AJJ is fantastic.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

  4. Beautiful digital art my friend!! Bravo!

  5. Wow! This is wonderful. Truly clever transformation. Hugs, Chrisx

  6. What a fabulous entry. This is a big favorite of mine. I love how you altered the famous painting and how you added the St. Nick. I love his more traditional green coat, too. It is all quite lovely and I am so impressed. Love it much.

  7. I so enjoyed seeing your jurnal page and what a lovely surprise it was to see the original that you used. I love how you have changed it into a lovely Christmas theme with the added door for the AJJ challenge.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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