tiistai 7. joulukuuta 2021

A Friend of Snow Queen

For the challenge theme 'Snowman' at Three Muses this week.
I made the background and snow painting with digital painting brushes, and my layout with free and MC images and photoshop elements.
I'm linking the artwork also at the Try it on Tuesday challenge  theme 'Snowflake'.
Thank you for visiting.

Tämä digityö menee teemaan 'Lumiukko' ja 'Lumihiutale'. Tein taustan maalaamalla digisiveltimillä taustalle lumen. Kuvat ovat ilmais- ja MC-kuvia sekä photoshop elementtejä.

16 kommenttia:

  1. On kaunis lumikuningatar täällä sinulla.

  2. Wow what a beautiful card
    Greets corry

  3. She is definitely the snow queen. And I'd say from your piece, she made it snow. Hope your week is going well. Hugs-Erika

  4. What serenity, obviously, this Snow Lady does not fear the cold.
    The colours, the BG and the textures are magnificent.
    Well done Sirkkis!
    Stay warm before and after your Nordic walk my friend.
    Have a nice day too.

  5. Ooo mikä lumikuningatar. Ihastuttava työ ja lumen olet saanut aidon näköiseksi 😊👍

  6. Nice composition Sirkkis.

    Mine is HERE


  7. You are so talented at "building" digital scenes. This one is great!

  8. Gorgeously frozen a lovely take on the challenge.

  9. GORGEOUS (girl)friend of "Mr Frosty"!
    Love every time your digital playing - and this is fantastic as every time!

    Best wishes &
    have a wonderful christmas time

  10. Oh my goodness, Sirkkis, this is a delight. Bravo, my friend.

  11. And thanks for sharing this with us at Try It On Tuesday Sirkkis. hugs again-Erika

  12. A beautiful page, your Snow Queen looks stunning surrounded by all that snow.
    Thanks for sharing this at Try it on Tuesday.
    Hugs, Avril xx

  13. The most beautiful snow queen! Thank you, Sirkkis, for entering our challenge at Try it on Tuesday with this lovely creation. Looking forward to see you again next challenge.
    Designer for Try it on Tuesday
    craftartista.blogspot.com {My Blog}

  14. A very beautiful page. Thank you for joining us over at TioT's Sirkkis and I hope you had a Happy Christmas .
    Yvonne xx


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