maanantai 6. joulukuuta 2021

A Door and Love

"Don't resist! Open the door, when love comes knocking."  
-Mounty Rubin
I created this double page spread using my hand painted portrait and a web searched photo of a door. I  digitally made the layout of the spread and typed the quote on to the painting. 
I'm linking my art journal page at the Art Journal Journey challenge theme 'Doors', which is chosen by Valerie this month.
Thank you for visiting.
Tämän aukeaman tein teemaan 'Ovet'.
"Älä pidättele! Avaa ovi, kun rakkaus tulee ja koputtaa."   -Monty Rubin
Tein aukeaman käyttämällä omaa käsin maalaamaani muotokuvaa ja digitaalisesti lisäsin netistä löytämäni kuvan ovesta. Kirjoitin mietelauseen maalauksen päälle.
Kiitos vierailusta.

8 kommenttia:

  1. Hi Sirkkis, I love your journal pages. The portrait of the girl is gorgeous, and you have coupled it so well with the door and the text, really beautiful. Thanks for joining us at AJJ for my doors theme, Valerie

  2. A beautiful spread Sirkkis. I love your portrait of the girl!

  3. This is great Sirkkis. I love how you combined this lovely lady with such a beautiful door. I noticed inside the door there is a couple together. I like to think that is this lady and her love, and she is thinking about them together. Happy new week my friend. Hugs-Erika

  4. Oh Sirkkis, your painting is so beautiful!!! I love it.

  5. A truly beautiful portrait and what a find that door is. Hugs,Chrisx

  6. My sincere apologies for visiting so late. I took a nasty fall last Thursday and now I can only sit for a few minutes before my back starts screaming for me to lie down.

    Your painting is beautiful. She is a real beauty. You found a great door, too. I love that you shared both a digital entry and painting. It shows how talented you are. Thanks for this beauty you shared with us at Art Journal Journey using Valerie's theme.

  7. What a beautiful church door, I can see inside there are a couple sharing a tender moment by a lovely stained glass window and I love the garland of flowers around the arch. What a beautiful picture it makes - ~I wonder if the girl on the opposite page is inside the church planning her wedding vows?
    Hugs, Neet xx

  8. A beautiful page Sirrkis and I love the words you added, your girl looks beautiful and I hope she found happiness.
    Yvonne xx


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