I enjoyed designing the interior of this art journal page - I made it from the ceiling to the floor with the images that I chose from my files. I like to do it also at my own home 😊
The woman was cropped from an old picture. I finished the layout typing the quote, that I assume to refer to the contents of the book, which could be a detective story.
I'm linking the page at the Erika's theme 'Home' Art Journal Journey this month.
Thanks for visiting 💐
Tämän art journal-sivun suunnittelin ja koostin katosta lattiaan kuvista, jotka valitsin kansioistani - mieluista puuhaa omassa kodissanikin 😊 Naisen irrotin vanhasta kuvasta. Viimeistelin sivun kirjoittamalla mietelauseen 'Kotimme hiljaisuus merkitsee vakavuutta'. Oletan, että kirja on jännittävä - ehkä salapoliisiromaani.
Työ menee 'Koti'-teemaan.
Kiva, kun kyläilit 💐
You've created a beautiful, cozy reading room! Your page is wonderful!
VastaaPoistahappy day, hugs Elke
Thank you Elke for your kind comment and wishes,
PoistaI'm wishing same to you 💗💐🌞
I love her face. She is saying leave me alone and let me read my book. I bet I look like that at times too. (smile) This is another super page Sirkkis. Thank you again for joining in at AJJ. Hope the week has started well. hugs-Erika
VastaaPoistaThanks for the comment and the theme Erika 🏠🌞🌷