perjantai 21. maaliskuuta 2025

Home is the child's first school/Koti on lapsen ensimmäinen koulu

 First I made digitally the double page spread, which consists of the interiors of the girls and boys rooms. All image material was chosen from my archive and I made a lot of alterations in my photoshop program. I painted all clothes of the standing boy with digital painting brushes, because it was black/white image. 
Beneath the page you see the interior photo that I altered in the photoshop program, and used as base for the spread:
Then I made for the spread page a background paper where I typed the Barbara Bush's home quote.
I'm linking the Art Journal double page spread on the Erika's 'Home' theme at Art Journal Journey this month,
Thank you for stopping by, and Enjoy a weekend 🌞
Tyttöjen ja poikien huoneiden sisustukset. 
Käytin yllä olevaa sisustuskuvaa pohjana sitä muunnellen omien tekemieni huoneiden taustoiksi. Lopuksi koostin niille yhteisen aukeamataustan sekä liitin sen tekstin "Koti on lapsen ensimmäinen koulu, vanhemmat ovat lapsen ensimmäiset opettajat, ja lukeminen on lapsen ensimmäinen aine." 
-Barbara Bush
Kaikki kuvat löytyivät kansioistani ja tein niihin paljon muutoksia, esim. seisovan pojan kaikki vaatteet maalasin digisiveltimillä, koska se oli vanha musta-valkoinen ilmaiskuva.
Digi-aukeamani menee 'Koti' sekä 'Kasvot' teemoihin.
Hyvää viikonloppua kaikille meille 🌞

19 kommenttia:

  1. What a wonderful childhood theme you've chosen! Your artwork is fascinating and magnificent to behold.
    Yes, that's true. We are our children's first teachers of life, and I would be so happy if everyone did that, lovingly and eagerly preparing them for it!
    Have a happy , day, hugs Elke

    1. Thank you Elke for your wise words, and I apreciate
      your comment overall 🥰 Enjoy your wekend 🌞

  2. ...home is a wonderful place to be. Enjoy your spring weekend.

  3. Beautiful collage work graphically illustrating how, yes, home is our first school when teaching and reinforcing gender roles, whatever else we may learn there.

    1. Thank you Debra, and enjoy hopefully sunny upcoming springtime 🌞🏵

  4. Beautiful collage art work ~ Wow!

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  5. Kyllä olet jälleen näyttänyt miten upeasti olet tämänkin taideteoksen luonut. Pojan uudet vaatteet ihan huiput 👍👍💖 mukavaa viikonloppua Sinulle 🌞🌷💗🌞

    1. Voi, kiitos paljon 💝 Kyllä meinasin luovuttaa tuon "näpertylen" kanssa,
      mutta sisulla eteenpäin.... ja siellä se nyt KIITOS TULI sinulta SILKKU 🥰
      KIitos 💖😸

  6. I love the vintage look of the children in this collage! And I agree with the quote...home is the first school!!

  7. Oh I like this page too Sirkkis. That quote is very true, and I love how you set up the home. using the image twice and altering it. Thanks again for joining in at AJJ. and I hope you are having a fantastic weekend. hugs-Erika

  8. That's how it was growing up in my house as a kid. The girls room and the boys room. The girls had the better deal, there was only 2 of us. There were 4 boys that has to share a room. Lovely art and thank you for joining FFO.


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