perjantai 14. helmikuuta 2025

Happy Valentine's Day/Hyvää Ystävänpäivää

My digital page for the Valentine's theme at Digital Whisper.
I made my design and layout in my photo shop program with the image material, which I chose from my files.
In Finland we celebrate here 'Ystävänpäivää' (the friends' day) today, and it is more  a friends' day than a lovers day.
I'm linking this creation also at the Vicki's theme 'Music' at  Art Journal Journey, and 
I'm wishing you my friends a very Happy Valentine's Day ❤️
Toivotan kaikille ystävilleni ja blogivierailleni iloista, kukkaista ja herkullista Ystävänpäivää ❤️
Me suomalaiset vietämme sitä enemmän ystävien kuin rakastavaisten päivänä toisin kuin amerikkalaiset.
Linkitys: 'Ystävän päivä', 'Musiikki' ja 'Kasvot.'

28 kommenttia:

  1. This is great, wonderful I love your piece of music and for this loving day!!!!
    Happy Valentine's Day, hugs Elke

    1. Many thanks Elke, and enjoy this day of friends 🥰

  2. ...I wish you a Happy Ystävänpäivää.

  3. Oh I love the idea of friends day better than Valentine's Day. You can celebrate with a loved one anytime but friends need to be remembered because they are special in our lives. And this is another great page for Vicki's challenge. Thanks for joining. And I wish you a happy Ystävänpäää too Sirkkis. hugs-Erika

    1. It's nice you think this way 😀 , and thank you for the comment.
      Happy Valentine's to you 😘💐

  4. Happy Ystävänpäivää, Sirkkis! I have often given valentines to my best friends, and my nieces and nephews received valentines from me until they became adults. I always had fun with my students when we celebrated Valentine's Day with a big party. I have always seen the day as a day celebrating love for the special people in your life. ❤️

    1. Thank you Louise; I'm happy you give me your experience 🥰

  5. Happy Friends Day to you ~ lovely digital creation ~ thanks,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  6. Ihana kortti, kiitos 💕 olen vähän myöhässä, eilen en kerennyt millään tänne blogimaailmaan joten nyt toivottelen myöhästynyttä Ystävänpäivää Sinulle 💖💗💖

    1. Voi, kiitos Silkku; onkin mukava saada toitotuksia eri päiville 🤗
      Ihanaa päivänjatkoa sinulle 😘

  7. Aina on Ystävänpäivä.
    Mukavaa viikonloppua sinulle.

    1. Totta puhut 🤗, hyvää jatkoa sinulle myös 🌞

  8. This is so beautiful for Valentine's Day. Hope you had a good one. Thank you for sharing with FFO.

  9. What a very happy and beautiful page full of pretty flowers and smiling faces especially for a "Friendship" Day! I think I like that much better than our Valentine's Day here! This page has made me happy to look at and I thank you for sharing your inspiration using my "music" theme at AJJ!! Best wishes and Happy Friends' Day!

    1. Vicki, thank you for your kind comment and inspiring theme😊
      Have a happy weekend 💐

  10. A beautiful cheerful picture with friends and flowers. What could be better. Happy Valentines to you my friend.

  11. Vastaukset
    1. Isn't it 🥰 Thank you for the comment Peggy 😊

  12. i love the holiday of friends day and your creation is a beautiful reflection of friendship. xo

    1. Thank you Michele, and have a wonderful day 😘🧚

  13. I like the concept of it being more a friends day - I think we are starting to adopt that with the Gal-entine's Day trend. I always treat it that way anyway. Lovely art with the record player and flowers. Such a cool digital collage. Hugz

    1. We have celebrated Friends day for only since 1980s. So its quite new to us. I like it anyway. Thank you Nancy for your kind comment 💐😘


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