Antonio Lucio Vivaldi (1678-1741) was an Italian Baroque composer and virtuoso violinist. His best-known work is a series of violin concertos known the 'Four Seasons'.
I created my digital art journal work of the 'Autumn' composition in my photoshop program using my image material from my files. I made the headline 'Vivaldi's four season' with its working tool as well as layering and all effects. I'm linking the work at the Vicki's theme 'Music' at Art Journal Journey this month.
Thank you for looking.
'Vivaldin 'Neljä vuodenaikaa'
Vivaldi oli italialainen barokki-ajan säveltäjä ja viuluvirtuoosi. Hänen parhaiten tunnettu sävellyksensä on 'Neljä Vuodenaikaa', ja valitsin niistä 'Syksyn'. Suunnittelin ja tein työni digitaalisesti fotosopissani käyttäen valitsemaani kuvamateriaalia arkistostani.
Otsaketekstin tein digityökaluilla, samoin layoutin ja kaikki efektit. Linkitys teemaan: 'Musiikki'.
Kiitos käynnistäsi.
A great, interesting theme combined with Vicky's music theme. It looks beautiful and everything is fabulously chosen. Baroque, but still so modern.
VastaaPoistaI love your style!
Happy day, hugs Elke
I appreciate, Elke, thänks a lot ❤️
PoistaHave a happy week ahead 🌞😘
The 4 Seasons is such a beautiful piece, and I share a birthday with Vivaldi-grin. I like how you included the modern with the traditional. It's a beautiful tribute. Happy new week to you. And thanks for joining Vicki's challenge at AJJ too. hugs-Erika
VastaaPoistaWe listen today classical old musik as well, and many nowadays' theathre presentations include old classical old music. It works forever...
PoistaThank you for the comment, and have a creative happy week ahead 😘