tiistai 14. joulukuuta 2021

Light and Joy to the World

I made this Lapland scenery related digital work using digital drawing, filtering and coloring tools, and freebie materials from different sources. 
In our Lapland there is a period of darkness when the sun does not rise over the horizon. It's called a polar night.  My above work refers to that phenomenon. In December you can experience there both the magical polar night and rise of the sun.
 I made with the same material another work beneath where you see that magic.
And more wonders of Lapland beneath:

You can also see the Northern Lights over the sky.
I'm linking this post at challenge theme 'Christmas tree' at Three Muses. 
Thank you for visiting.
'Valoa ja iloa maailmaan.'
Digityöni teemaan 'Joulukuusi'
Koostin tämän Lapin maisemiin sijoitetun työn kolmella tavalla käyttäen samaa ilmaismateriaalia. 
Ylimmässä kuvaan Lapin kaamosta, jota kutsutaan myös polaariyöksi. Se merkitsee, että aurinko ei nouse horisontin yläpuolelle. Ilmiö vaihtelee keston ja sijainnin mukaan. Alemmassa kuvassa aurinkoa jo näkyy, ja lumihan valaisee lisää, kun se on  satanut. Mutta ei tässä vielä kaikki: tein samasta materiaalista revontuliaiheen kuvan. Tämäkin on sitä kuuluisaa lapin taikaa.
 Toivotaan, että saamme valkean joulun taikaa tänne eteläiseen Suomeenkin.

16 kommenttia:

  1. This is very interesting information. Adding the Christmas images makes it even more magical. The scene is so beautiful.

  2. It must be amazing to see the Northern lights and other such phenomenon.

  3. Thank you so much for sharing the beautiful sights of your home land which are so strange and phenomenal to us, Sirkkis. Blessings on your holidays.

  4. Wonderful, thanks for sharing the Northern Lights I would love to see them in person.

  5. Thanks for sharing your Northern Lights and the sweet little Christmas tree

    Mine is HERE


  6. Some day I hope to see the Northern Lights. I love them as a background and of course your wonderful Christmas trees.

  7. How wonderful it must be to live in such an enchanting land Sirkkis!
    Thank you for sharing!
    Have a nice and happy holiday my friend.

  8. Sorry, I forgot...
    To answer your question:
    Alphonse Mucha, “Christmas in America” (1919).
    This Mucha's painting is a Czexchoslovak representation of an American Xmas.
    Take care of you dear Sirkkis, and enjoy your wonderful country's skies :)

  9. Oh my goodness, how wonderful it must be to witness these wonderful sights, Sirkkis. I would love to visit one day but in the meantime thank you so much for sharing them here in your lovely artwork. Bravo.

  10. Such a magical scene and the color changes are amazing, Sirkkis. Wow, I so love to see what you do with colors! Hugz

  11. That Lapland scenery is gorgeous, and I love the lights you added to it. It is not only festive, but works with the scenery. I hope one day to visit Lapland. If covid ever disappears enough to let us be explorers of the world again. Hope all is well with you. Hugs-Erika

  12. Thank everyone for great comments. To Taluula
    I'd like to say that British travellers in the winter are the biggest group who visit Lapland. Luckily now as big as before the pandemia 👍🎅

  13. Bravo! So versatile -and all three are simply wonderful with a lot of Christmas feeling!
    Best wishes & a wonderful Christmas time

  14. Voi kääk... Kaunista, mystistä, taikaa 😊👍


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