lauantai 18. joulukuuta 2021

Old times and doors have changed

"In the old days you lived in one neighborhood, you knew all your neighbors and your daughter married the guy next door. That was social and economic progress. That model is gone now." - Henry Louis Gates
I used another old Finnish door photo. The door in this picture is one of an old days' granary, an unheated storehouse used as storage of various goods. Nowadays they can be used as guest houses in the summer, but of course they are more modern now.
I added the birds on the picture from my files, and typed the quote into the frame which I chose for it. Actually we don't have Cardinals here, but Bullfinches a lot. I think  there is peaceful feelings of a sunny winter day, and the colors refer to the upcoming Christmas time.
I'm linking the page on the Valerie's theme 'Doors' at Art Journal Journey this month. Thank you for visiting.
Enjoy the Christmas holiday season ahead🎅
'Vanhat ajat ja ovet ovat muuttuneet'
"Entisaikaan asuttiin lähellä naapureita ja tunnettiin heidät kaikki, ja tyttäret naivat naapurinpojat. Tämä oli silloin sosiaalista ja taloudellista toimintaa. 
Tämä malli on nyt mennyttä ."  -Henry Louis Gates
Minulta löytyi toinenkin kuva vanhasta suomalaisesta aitasta. Aitathan olivat lämmittämättömiä säilytyspaikkoja, varastoja erilaisille tarvikkeille, ja niissä  yövyttiinkin kesäisin. Siihenhän moderneja aittoja käytetään nykyisinkin, ja ovat usein vierasmajoinakin. Tein art journal-sivuni teemaan 'Ovet'.
Lisäsin aitta-kuvaan linnut sekä kehyksen kansioistani, ja kirjoitin tekstin. Meillä ei tosin ole cardinaali-lintuja, mutta punatulkkuja kyllä.
Mielestäni kuvassa on nyt rauhallinen aurinkoisen talvipäivän tunnelma, ja värit vievät ajatukset joulun aikaan.
Kiitos vierailustasi ja hyvää joulun odotusta 🎅

9 kommenttia:

  1. Your page is beautiful. So true with the neighbourhoods, when I grew up in London we knew all of our neighbours and were a real community. So different today. Love the addition of the beautiful birds. The granary door is lovely. Have a great weekend and thanks so much for linking to my challenge at AJJ, Valerie

  2. Aivan ihana raikas maisema 👍 Minä niin rakastan maalaismaisemaa ja kaikkea vanhaa 😊

  3. Indeed that is an apt quote for the feeling that the past time has indeed passed and we are all living in a wierd and different time today. I love those birds in the foreground.

  4. I love the old Finnish door. That yellow color is great and so pretty. I like how it looks with the red barn board. Do you see as many red buildings in Finland as there are in Sweden? And the birds make a wonderful addition too. I wonder what is behind that door. Have a wonderful rest of your weekend Sirkkis. Hugs-Erika

  5. Great old door and fab additions. Such a lovely look to this page. The quote is very interesting. Would never have wanted my girls to marry the boys next door and I am super glad I did not either! LOL. But the change in the neighborhood connection is kind of sad. Wonder what the biggest contributor was to it? Cars or TV or women entering the work force or progress in general? I worry about how the cell phone and computers are changing the dynamics as well - less speech and less personal connection in the younger generations. Hope you have a great week, Sirkkis. Hugz

  6. Thank you Nancy for your clever notices of the neighborhood ♥️ I suppose it's a general progress, and in this case is concerning countryside. Here for long time is going on moving from the countryside to towns. So the countryside is laying waist 🏞️ only partly lucki 👏

  7. Your artwork is so beautiful and so is the landscape. I also miss my neighborly friendships, it's a shame that it's getting lost more and more. All the young people want to go to town and we older ones are left and they are all so grumpy here and I related. That’s getting worse.
    I wish you a Merry Christma, hugs, Elke

  8. A fabulous page Sirkkis, its a lovely peaceful scene you have created.
    Thank you for linking to the theme at AJJ.
    Yvonne xx

  9. I'm running behind, but I hope you notice that I visited. I was born in a small town and knew all my neighbors. The boys next door (and down the block) and I all did things together, while the girls in the neighborhood looked at me as a tomboy. I would never have married any of those boys because it would have been like marrying my brother. When I graduated from high school, I moved to the "big city." Now I live in the biggest city in my state and I know every neighbor on my block and they know me. I couldn't get my hose unplugged, so I called my neighbor and he came and worked with it for about 20 minutes to get it unplugged. I may live in a city, but this is still a very tight community. I feel sorry for people who isolate themselves away.

    I think this is a beautiful entry for Valerie's theme at Art Journal Journey. I love the cardinals and was surprised to read you don't see them where you live. However, I love how you included them in your art. Thanks so much for sharing this beauty.


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