The background is a photo taken from the bridge and moss covered house, Wales.
I made the rainbow with digital tools, added the swan and her kids, other bird flocks, and the text piece.
I'm linking my digital art journal layout on Matilde's theme 'Birds' at the Art Journal Journey Challenge this month.
Thank you for visiting.
'Joutsenet sateenkaaren alla'
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Käytin digityössäni valokuvaa, joka esittää siltaa ja sammalkatoista taloa Walesissa. Tein kuvaan digitaalisesti sateenkaaren ja lisäsin joutsenen poikasineen, lintuparvet sekä tekstipalasen.
Linkitän työni art journal-teemaan 'Linnut'.
Kiitos käynnistä.
So beautiful Sirkkis! Bravo for this super-job!
VastaaPoistaA beautiful page and even more stunning to look at after I clicked the picture.
VastaaPoistaThank you for linking to the current theme at AJJ and for the support you give us there.
Yvonne xx
Stunning piece Sirkkis, I love the scene you have used and then built on. I imagined the swans were already there. What a lovely composition. Very clever how you do it, wish i could do these.
VastaaPoistaHugs, Neet xx
This is a gorgeous piece. And that rainbow has lots of meaning too, all good. (I saw on the news about Finland and Sweden applying for NATO. Fingers crossed but I am sure it will go well!) What a pretty place that is, and the swans make it even prettier. Thanks for sharing with us at AJJ for Matilde's challenge. And II hope you are having a lovely day too. Hugs-Erika
VastaaPoistaThank you Erika 💛 Our president and prime minister of Sweden are just meeting Joe Biden.
VastaaPoistaTuo sammalenpeittämä walesilaistalo on ihana.
VastaaPoistaIt's stunning! Great combination of rainbow, birds and the beautiful landscape :)
VastaaPoistaI love the beautiful scene you have created. What a lovely place that must be, even if it's only in your digital layouts. I was impressed with the swans and the flying birds. The rainbow shows hope. Thanks for sharing this with us at Art Journal Journey using Matilde's theme.
VastaaPoistaI thought of you when I got to see your president on TV the other day.
Thank you ladies, I appreciate your kindness 🌺