Digital and hand made art: collages, art journal and altered book pages, digital and other cards, drawings and paintings. Digitaalista ja käsin tehtyä taidetta: kollaaseja, art journal- ja kirjan sivuja, maalauksia ja piirroksia sekä digitaalisia ja muita kortteja.
Ah! You create magic wherever you share your art, This is sheer magic and a real beauty with the gold flowing around her face. I am magically impressed!!
Sirkkis the colors are like gems. So sorry to hear you have the basal cell cancer too. The good thing is that it won't kill us! I use lots of sunscreen, but I'm a gardener, so I'm in the sun a lot. Take care my friend...
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Wonderful digital page!
VastaaPoistaOhhh this is amazing. I love all of the colors and the gold is perfect. Have a great day today.
VastaaPoistaAh! You create magic wherever you share your art, This is sheer magic and a real beauty with the gold flowing around her face. I am magically impressed!!
VastaaPoistaSirkkis the colors are like gems. So sorry to hear you have the basal cell cancer too. The good thing is that it won't kill us! I use lots of sunscreen, but I'm a gardener, so I'm in the sun a lot. Take care my friend...
VastaaPoistaVery interesting quote. I love the imagery.