perjantai 22. heinäkuuta 2022


My colored pencils painting on 8 x 6 oil/acrylic paper, the painting size 6x4 inch.
This technic is new to me. I've bought the pencils long time ago, and now I decided to experiment with them. I read from the box of pencils that they can be used wet or dry on wet or dry paper, so I partly used both ways. The paper wasn't ideal for the pencils.
I wanted to make the Maiden's look a kind of mysterious on the abstract scene, and she came out this way. I'm linking her at the Nicole's/DVArtist challenge theme 'Friday Face Off'.
Thank you for looking. Happy weekend 🎭
Maalaukseni värikynillä 21x15 cm öljy/akryyli paperille, maalauskoko15x10 cm.  Tämä tekniikka on minulle uusi. Olen ostanut kynät kauan sitten enkä ole aiemmin niitä käyttänyt. Luin pakkauksesta, että kyniä voi käyttää kuivana tai kosteana kuivalle tai kostealle pohjalle, ja käytin molemmilla tavoilla. Paperi ei ollut ihanteellinen. Halusin neidon näyttävän mystiseltä abstraktisella pohjalla.
Linkitän työn haasteteemaan 'Kasvot'.
Kiva, kun poikkesit; hyvää viikonloppua kaikille 🎭

7 kommenttia:

  1. I like your maiden, she looks a bit mysterious to me.

  2. She makes me think of carnival. I love the swirls of colors and of course, that wonderful face. Have a great weekend ahead and hope it's not too hot. hugs-Erika

  3. I’m reminded of the masks of drama. Lovely!

  4. I always love hearing when an artist is trying new supplies or techniques. I love this! The abstract really blends with the face and then the face pops. I think she is very dramatic and beautiful. Thank you for joining in Friday Face Off.

  5. I would never have guessed that the paper wasn't ideal for I think your Pencil painting is simply gorgeous, colors , face(s), abstracts. The whole thing fits together perfectly.

    Andrea @ From the Sol


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