tiistai 4. lokakuuta 2022

Gargoyle inspirations

For the challenge theme 'Gargoyle' at Oure Midweek Muse this week.
I made also another verson of that grotesque carved figure, which are providing from a gutter of a building acting as a spout to carry water to clear of a wall. 
Thank you for visiting.

And when it's raining.
Nämä vedensyöksijät ovat groteskeja patsaita, joita on rakennuksien räystäskouruissa johtamaan sadevettä alas katoilta ja puhdistamaan seiniä. Tein digitaalisesti kaksi eri versiota tähän teemaan. Alimpaan lisäsin vielä sade-efectin ja veden.

10 kommenttia:

  1. Huiii miten pelottavan näköisiä otuksia 😬 olet saanut juuri oikeanlaisen tunnelman töihin 👍

  2. These are gorgeous, I love the enhanced colors and the wonderful view on the first one. You have done a banner job on this.

  3. That's gargoyles! They are all beautiful and your work is superb!

  4. Wow, Miss Sirkkis, what a fantastically creative job you done on all three of these. I love them all but I absolutely LOVE the first one. Bravo.

  5. I am so in love with these gargoyles. Wonderful art.

  6. Kirjoittaja on poistanut tämän kommentin.

  7. Very interesting - I wonder if other gargoyles had a purpose other than being scary... Love your pieces, and the colors are fantastic! :)


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