tiistai 11. lokakuuta 2022

Hoping to get Good News!

*Share your smile with the world. It's a symbol of friendship and peace*
For the challenge theme 'Written words' at Our Midweek Muse this week.
The above words are valid in the every time eras. And especially just now when a horrible war exists in our beautiful world. 
The best things in life are free Good News!
I created my digital collage using my old vintage style images giving them my fresh layout with the autumnal colors and current words.
Thank you for stopping by.
Toivon hyviä uutisia!
Digikollaasini menee teemaan 'Kirjoitetut sanat'. Sivulla olevat sana *Jaa hymysi maailmalle. Se on symboli ystävyydestä ja rauhasta* pätee kaikkina aikoina ja sen pitäisi toteutua juuri nyt, kun kauhea sota riehuu kauniissa maailmassamme.
Kaivoin vanhat vintage kuvat esille ja valitsin niistä työhöni sopivia. Syksyisen vaikutelman loin lisäämällä joukkoon värikkäitä vaahteranlehtiä.
Kiitos käynnistäsi.

15 kommenttia:

  1. What a wonderful picture not only is it beautiful it has a great message of love and friendship...well done my friend.

  2. I love this sweet collage!!

  3. Ihanaa vintagetyyliä ja upeita värejä. Tuo vihreä aivan kuin karkki

  4. Maple leaves, golden stars and... The SMILE!
    Thank you for this beautiful image, these words of hope and happiness dear Sirkkis. The whole gives us the immediate benefit of good news!

  5. Great autumn feel in the collage. And good news we all hope for. :-)
    Greetings Katrin

  6. Beautiful! I think of you so often when I hear the news of Ukraine and what the monster in Russia is doing. I pray for you and your beautiful country-so close to the war.

  7. Luv this collage Sirkkis
    Happy Wednesday



  8. I think your lovely art lady has had some good news. Now we all need some good news in this world. It is a crazy place lately, isn'it it? Your page is a happy thing to see. So lovely. hugs-Erika

  9. these are lovely words in your lovely creation. i share your sentiment about good feelings and peace, may there be much more of both. xo

  10. Boa noite minha querida amiga. Precisamos de mais mensagens como esta. Bom final de semana com muita paz e saúde.

  11. So much love and so much joy, Sirkkis. A big 'smile' from me.

  12. This is very beautiful and I love the dress. My mom always said when you walk into a room have a smile on your face.


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